Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the CHRISTmas Strawman.

The vast majority of Americans who are Christians...who have churches on every other corner, and Bible/Christian references everywhere in our culture, are feeling oppressed and persecuted. What??  

We want everyone (people of other religions or beliefs who have other holidays at this time) to feel included in holiday wishes.   So instead of only saying "Merry Christmas" to the general public, some say "Happy Holidays". (to include everyone.)  But no...people who do so are evil Christian-haters who are one step away from destroying Christianity completely tomorrow at noon with their mighty non-Christ wishes.
Listen one is trying to take Christmas away, no one is trying to take the CHRIST out of CHRISTMAS, no one is telling you to stop enjoying RELAX!  You are building a Strawman argument.   Relax and build a snowman instead...with a cross around his neck if you like.    The whole point is, it's just not nice to say Merry Christmas to a Jewish person.  Many don't care,  or won't get freaked out if you do....but it's just not nice.  Not the end of the world...just not nice.  So why does the non-Christian here have to remind you "filled with Christ's love" people to love people??   

As a non-believer, I have no problem wishing you "Merry Christmas" if you do indeed celebrate Christmas.  But if you don't...then I won't wish you "Merry Christmas".   It's not complicated.