Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Low talking Homeless

Is it just me, or do people asking for money need to SPEAK UP!?!?!?   I know the person sitting on the street in downtown Portland is asking for spare change ....probably...but I'm not always sure.   A guy was walking up and down the isle on the Max train the other day repeating a question to everyone.  No matter how many times he said it, I couldn't figure out what he was saying.  Something like "Hair monkey change"...or something with the word "Change" in it.   This morning a guy on the street asked me to iron his collar....or at least that is what it sounded like.   I know it can be a humiliating experience...but better results would be accomplished with a clearer message.  imho

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Radio morning show crews

I used to love to listen to morning shows on radio when there was only one guy...or maybe two people.  Now the trend is to have a "crew" crowding around the console.  Some are better than others, but most of the time you have too many big egos in one small room all needing to justify their paycheck by chiming in as much as possible.  Many times I have tuned into a morning show in the middle of ...something indecipherable.  A jumble of voices laughing, cracking jokes, talking over one another, etc.  It usually takes a minute for my brain to tune into the subject at hand.  I don't know how many times I've been listening to a person telling an interesting anecdote and before the person can finish, he/she is interrupted by a wannabe star/comedian and the story is never finished.  One of the WORST is Howard Stern's crew.  Robin is the worst person in radio ever.  Her voice is shrill, she is NOT funny OR interesting and she interrupts everyone all of the freakin' time.  Also, Howard likes to have funny people or comedians sit in on his they  have to say funny things right?  That's what Howard brought them in for eh?  So they are constantly interrupting people.  These types of shows are very difficult to listen to.  These people are afraid of not getting to say anything at all if they shut up and let another person finish talking....which may be true, but that would be a better show.  Program directors, if you're going to have a morning crew, make them each learn their place.  Or even better, just have one or two people.  Hey, you'll save money on salaries!  Amen.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Performance art at Lovejoy Fountain

Yesterday I posted a picture of a fountain I found hidden away in Portland.  I'm still not sure but I think it is called Lovejoy Fountain.  Today, while walking past the same fountain after work, I noticed a few people acting strangely.  I eventually realized this was some sort of performance art thingy.  A few people were watching and it was difficult to tell who was watching and who was participating.  As far as I could tell, the actors were simply moving, feeling, expressing at will until one woman would blow on a tiny harmonica and they would freeze.  She would blow it again and they would continue.  Interesting.....

Get some holy spirit in ya!

When I was a christian, I went to a "Charismatic" church.  There was speaking in tongues, dancing, prophesy, lots of worship and singing.  I would love the feeling when the Pastor would really get us going.  I was told that feeling was the holy spirit.  If you can relate, you know it's a feeling of euphoria...tingly...warm...emotional...inspiring...somewhat thrilling and fun.  It convinced me that I had found the truth, because this feeling was real.  I never once considered that it might be something else.  That is what I'm telling you's something else.  If it were really "proof" that you had found the truth, then Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, all weird cults, rock concert attendees, potential sellers at Amway conventions, and looting mobs have all found the truth.  The Mormons call it a "burning in the breast" and they call it "proof".  It is not.  Now I'm no biologist, but this feeling is a chemical-based feeling.  It's an emotion that is stirred up when a group of people get together and focus on one thing.   It's also known as "mob mentality" where people will turn over cars and destroy things in a mob, but they would never act that way on their own.  Witches use this to "raise power" in their circle.  If you watch a sitcom on might laugh out loud only a couple of times, but if you were actually in the audience, you would be laughing out loud to almost every joke.  The Holy spirit, is not real....god is not real...self delusion is real.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fountain hidden in downtown Portland

I found this walking from our old building to our new building today.  I think it's called "Lovejoy Fountain"

With god, all things are possible.,,????

A new Facebook "Like" is popping up.  "With god, all things are possible" LIKE!!
Yep, all things are possible with all gods...but a lot of these "things" never happen....amputees cured...cancer cured...the common cold cured....war gone...suffering gone...etc.   If "all things" are indeed possible with this god, he is quite lazy and un-caring eh?

PS....these things don't happen because this god isn't real.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Please pray for me!!!

I have MANY friends on Facebook who believe that this Jesus dude is real.  When they have a relative who dies...who is suffering...etc....I can't comment because that would be mean.   It's frustrating to see my friends asking for prayers because their friend/family member is suffering, when according to their Bible...the entity they are praying to created their suffering, and refuses to stop it.   When I do comment on such things, I get the usual apologetic vague, flowery "explanation" as to why I am wrong...TOTALLY lacking in any form of logic.  Logic they will use when doing their taxes and buying a home, but not used when considering that an entity  has zero-zip-nada proof of existing.
It makes me sad that these people who are suffering are deluding themselves.  Maybe it makes them feel better thinking their child has gone to "be with Jesus", but enabling this kind of thinking affects other decisions.   Decisions that eventually will affect me.  I have a fellow agnostic who scolds me for being so harsh and "intolerant" to others who believe diffferently.  This is a view with blinders.  The BIG picture is that thinking this way affects other decisions that affect me.  Also, these "moderates"...who are many, give support to the radicals.   The radical Muslims who flew planes into the towers were given strength by the millions of moderate muslims.  Crazy christians who protest with signs that say "God hates fags" are supported by the millions of moderates who believe that the basis of  their religion is true.   I'm not being rude or "intolerant" by saying these things.....I'm shining a flashlight on ignorance.

Thursday, September 9, 2010