Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sorry, just have to vent.  I just saw another Facebook friend who just got good news regarding his son's serious disease.  I'm truly happy for him.  But he thanks Jesus!  And another person says "God is GOOD".  The total lack of logic makes me crazy.  What about the millions of other kids who are dying/have died of a horrible disease with lots of suffering?  And who allowed him to get the disease in the first place?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

West Burnside and Broadway, Portland, OR. 1933 and 2010

I took the updated version today.  1933 and 2010.

Christians have wrong point of view

     Ok, this is going to sound anti-Christian, but in fact this should benefit Christians.  No, really....
I hear complaints like "they are taking prayer out of our schools" and the "War on Christmas", etc.  Now I can understand, if one hasn't stopped to think it through, a Christian might see these things as bad for them.  But I'm asking you to think it through.  You have the wrong point of view.  First, as a former Christian, I know that I could pray at any time or any place.  It would actually be impossible to take prayer out of schools or anywhere.  The rule to not have a classroom led prayer is actually beneficial to everyone, Christians included.  You want separation of church and state.  (taliban) You should care enough not to force a Christian prayer on Jews, and followers of other religions.  That is not a good witness.  No one is telling you or your kids that prayer is bad or that you shouldn't pray.  Pray all you want, just don't force it on all of the kids.   I attended a Bible study group in High's all good just as long as it's not endorsed by the school or forced on anyone.
Christmas is coming.  NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE CHRISTMAS AWAY!  Read that again please.  The whole point of any attempt to change "Merry Christmas" signs to "Happy Holidays" is to involve EVERYONE, not just YOU!  News flash....not everyone is a Christian.   Put up statues of Jesus, Santa, and all the flashy lights you want, more power to ya...again...NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE CHRISTMAS AWAY!   Just don't make our public schools or our government buildings endorse one religion.

Bottom are not being persecuted!  You still have the freedom to practice your religion, no one is trying to take that away.  In fact, many, if not all Atheists, Agnostics and followers of different religions would fight for your right to do so.  That is what we love about the U.S.A.  But don't try to make the government endorse your religion and force it on the rest of us.  If you want to convert everyone to your it with love.  Why do I need to tell you that???

Friday, October 8, 2010

Then and now Portland

S.W.6th and Oak.  1939 and 2010.

Another then and now Portland photo.

I took this one today.  This is the one I missed yesterday because I forgot to put a card in my camera. 

Fire Station number 2 on 3rd ave. 1948 and 2010.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Old and new Portland

I found a blog with a bunch of old photos of Portland. I figured I should find some of these spots and re-photograph them in 2010.  So I set out on my first mission today during lunch.  After making a long trek across town, and venturing into a "no trespassing" area I discovered I didn't have a memory card in my camera!  This was after I was halfway back to work.  Fortunately I discovered this in time to get a few other pics.  I was working from memory of some of the old photos I had seen earlier this morning, so hopefully I was standing in the right places.  I have a feeling I'll be going back to some though.  So here is my first one.  A view of Burnside and S.W. 3rd Ave. in 1932 and 2010.  The area around what is now the Paris Theater and Voodoo Donuts is almost the same, and the Heathman?? Hotel in the background is still there.

Friday, October 1, 2010

On debate...and making a point.

(PREFACE...I'm not claiming to be an expert on this...just aware of it.)    Being in the radio biz for 30 years, one of the things I've learned about advertising is, be clear and to the point.  The average person starts hearing "Blah blah blah blah" soon after you cram the third "point" into one sentence or paragraph.  I see many advertising agency people giving direction to voice talent.  "Take a breath between each sentence, over exaggerate the inflections, be excited but not too hard-sell, think happy thoughts...etc etc."  The voice talent will start nodding their head like they get it, but they lost track soon after the "Take a breath between each sentence" part. Many commercials fail at this also, cramming all sorts of deals, info on the company, the janitors nickname, cliche after cliche, etc. into one 30 second commercial.
     Online debates are where you will find many people who don't know how to make a point.  I have a christian Facebook friend who responds every time with at least 5 paragraphs.  I'm sorry, I'm just not going to read all of that....your point has not been made my friend. 
     If you're discussing where the excrement on Noah's ark was kept, and the other person mentions religion being taught in schools...ignore it and just keep talking about Noah's animal poo.   Be clear, and to the point.