Friday, September 17, 2010

Get some holy spirit in ya!

When I was a christian, I went to a "Charismatic" church.  There was speaking in tongues, dancing, prophesy, lots of worship and singing.  I would love the feeling when the Pastor would really get us going.  I was told that feeling was the holy spirit.  If you can relate, you know it's a feeling of euphoria...tingly...warm...emotional...inspiring...somewhat thrilling and fun.  It convinced me that I had found the truth, because this feeling was real.  I never once considered that it might be something else.  That is what I'm telling you's something else.  If it were really "proof" that you had found the truth, then Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, all weird cults, rock concert attendees, potential sellers at Amway conventions, and looting mobs have all found the truth.  The Mormons call it a "burning in the breast" and they call it "proof".  It is not.  Now I'm no biologist, but this feeling is a chemical-based feeling.  It's an emotion that is stirred up when a group of people get together and focus on one thing.   It's also known as "mob mentality" where people will turn over cars and destroy things in a mob, but they would never act that way on their own.  Witches use this to "raise power" in their circle.  If you watch a sitcom on might laugh out loud only a couple of times, but if you were actually in the audience, you would be laughing out loud to almost every joke.  The Holy spirit, is not real....god is not real...self delusion is real.


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