Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I guess I'm offensive

     Sometimes I post my opinions on religion.  Sometimes I make a smart-ass humorous jab at religion.   This makes some people uncomfortable because we are all naturally non-confrontational.  Occasionally someone will confront me with their opinion that I should not be confrontational because it is "hurtful" and "disrespectful".   Sometimes they will criticize me for criticizing others, which is somewhat hypocritical. 
     If I criticized a group of people who danced naked in whale blubber in order to get to the secret mothership behind the moon, most would be right there with me remarking on how weird that was.  At the very least I would probably not get scolded for criticizing these blubber-dancers.   Even with such religions as Scientology or Islam, I probably wouldn't get much negative feedback from my friends for criticizing opression of women or alien overlords.   But if I criticize a religion they believe in or the most popular religion of neighbors, friends and family, then I'm being rude and told that I should respect all religions.  Really?  all....or just yours?  Bottom-line, all religions are just as weird as whale-blubber dancers.  Established religions have been around for thousands of years so the weirdness factor has worn off.   Our society see's these as a normal part of the community.  But again, ALL religions are WEIRD and shouldn't be taken any more seriously than aliens or blubber-dancers.  With Christianity there is a talking snake, a talking donkey, walking on water, people rising from the dead, mass murder, abuse, slavery, demon-possessed pigs, etc etc etc.
     I can care about people, respect my friends, but I am not obligated to keep my opinions on weirdness and self-delusion to myself.  Should Democrats and Republicans be required to keep their critiques to themselves?
    Finally, stop telling me to be nice.  Why?  Because I AM being nice.  Sorry I don't shroud my words in flowers and warm fuzzys, but I am nice, and I truly want to hear other opinions.  If I was mean, you would really know I was being mean.  To have an open, honest and mature discussion about such things.  one needs to use honest words.  People become SO offended, that ANY criticism, no matter how it's worded, will be interpreted as rude.  So relax and have an open and honest dialog with me...or ignore me.  But stop telling me what I should or should not say.

PS.....I am also occasionally accused of doing this because I enjoy it or "get off on it".   People can't see any valid reason why I would criticize religion so I must just reallllllly enjoy pissing people off...just for the fun of it.  MUHAHAHAHAA!  um, no that is not the reason.   I could write a long long list of the reasons why religion is bad (that's for another post), but trust me, the list is long and THOSE are the reasons why.


  1. Darren, my friend..BE NICE lol I respect you as a friend and you are right..we all have beliefs that may seem weird to others not of the same belief system...we are all weird...friendship is where weird people find compatability with other people's wierdness and/or common ground aside from our weirdness. As far as religion goes..everybody has one...even non-religion is a spiritual belief of sorts..a faith that God etc does not exits or whatever..still a form of faith....for's just weird to deny what is so obviously true..the existence of God! But each are entitled to their own brand of weirdness lol and you know me enough to know I am happy to discuss pretty much any topic in a calm logical civil manner. Peaceful, respectful "DIOLOGUE" is high on my list of what is important for civility among friends. Let me quote

    "he who is confident in his position is not threatened by oppostion"

    Im highly confident on matters of faith, God even though I have plenty of room for personal growth and increase in wisdom and knowledge, your views or others whether they be skeptics or hostile critics really don't cause me to doubt what I know to be true. so contrary to Mark Twain's quote stating the opposite; I would say

    "faith is the assurance of what I already know to be true in my heart" - kp

    Have an absolutely blessed day my friend!
    Ken Paul

  2. Hi Ken,

    Thanks for your input.
    You said, "it's just weird to deny what is so obviously true..the existence of God!"

    Life, the universe and everything is quite amazing and I can understand why initially people might assume there is some sort of intelligent design. But it is not obviously true. First, that still does nothing to prove any one all. Secondly...Stephen Colbert said it best..."I think there is a God because I don't know how stuff works." To an ant...a blade of grass must be beyond comprehension...but we know how it works and grows. So just because things are amazing to our little brains...and seemingly beyond comprehension...doesn't necessarily mean there is a god. And it certainly doesn't prove Jesus in any way shape or form.

    Peace out!!
